945 THE MOOSE “Sharing Hope RadioThon” to benefit the Rescue Ministries of Mid-Michigan

SHARING HOPE RADIOTHON to benefit the Rescue Ministries of Mid-Michigan

presented by Bronner’s CHRISTmas Wonderland, Fisher Contracting, Mercantile Bank

on 945 THE MOOSE and all AlphaMedia Stations

945 THE MOOSE asks You, Our Loyal Family of Radio Listeners, to join us in an important fundraising effort for the Rescue Ministries of Mid-Michigan

Today, from 6AM-6pm, 945 THE MOOSE broadcasts the Annual “Sharing Hope” RadioThon

We’ll be asking You to offer a gift to help those in need served at the City Rescue Mission in Saginaw and the Good Samaritan Rescue Mission in Bay City

Your gift of $30 provides a night of Hope and Care… a warm bed, food, clothing, safety, counseling, and more

The Rescue Ministries help care for men, women, and children with more than food and shelter, offering a wide array of programs to lend a helping hand

Thanks to Community Support: Koops Automation Systems, Saginaw Bay Underwriters, Winford Engineering, Dupont, Veterinary Health Center, Shaw Contracting Co, Kerkau Manufacturing, Cech Corporation

Thanks to Digital Support: Dick Williams Gun Shop

Thanks to our Special “Over the Top Challenge Hour” from 5-6pm: Champagne and Marx

Goal is $60,000 to provide over 1600 nights of Hope and Care

To Make a Gift, call the Martin Chiropractic Hope Line:

989-755-HOPE (4673)

Donate OnLine to Rescuemidmichigan.com:

Venmo to: @rescueministries


Paypal to: paypal.me/rescueministries