Election to Be Held in Jonesfield Township on Wind Turbine Ordinance
Some residents of Saginaw County’s Jonesfield Township want a change to their wind ordinance.
The current ordinance was passed in 2004 and requires at least five acres per turbine, which must be set back from adjacent property lines and right-of-ways by the height of the turbine. Noise levels can’t exceed 60 decibels at the property line. The ordinance was amended last year with more restrictive requirements, including being no closer than 1,000 feet from a participant and no less than 1,400 feet from a non-participating home or 700 feet from property lines. Shadow flicker would also be limited to 20 hours a year for any homes affected by it.
A referendum was approved by the township to hold an election on the amended ordinance on Tuesday, May 7 from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. A yes vote means being in favor of the amended ordinance. A no vote is in favor of the original 2004 ordinance. More information can be found at the Jonesfield Township website.