Short Thoughts with Jodi K /Things I learned/heard off the grid for a couple days! Episode 10

I was off the grid for a few days with some friends.  I can’t share everything that happened but I can share a few things I heard and learned.  Some of this won’t make any sense, but it will to a few.


For _____ sake girls, I burnt the Bacon!









I’m not telling you what to do, but….

Don’t call me Judy

So how did Tom Brady get to be so good? Is it because of his brother Manning?

Don’t pee on my couch, but if you do, it’s insured just in case

Try to keep up

Pay attention!

Cards Against Humanity really is for horrible people

Jodi, as much as I love fingering, a shiny rock is a better trap (you had to be there)

Who is Dog The Bounty Hunter?

We are going to the aisle of shame to get some party bitches pants (We really did go get some)

Give her your shirt!

I haven’t learned you yet

That was the poop I was proud of

Where is the cage, I feel like a dog back here (3rd row seating)

Occasionally I have to go mad dog

Anger management classes worked for me (that was me)

Everybody needs to be on the same page

Let’s get back to me

Go get the lint from the dryer

white wabbit white wabbit white wabbit doesn’t work for smoke coming at you!

“Gassy Like” to the tune of “Fancy Like”

Check Jodi’s luggage before she leaves! (there was a lot of Moose stuff)

I was set up!!!!!  I didn’t steal the 1 antlered Moose! He was in my bag when I got home!!